Due to the rumor that if you eat all of the meat, you will gain eternal life, your mother was killed by a human, and Loto was also targeted, but Neiro rescued him.
Since there was no concept of naming him, he was named "Loto" after the name of the animal.
He can understand and speak human language, but since he is still a child, he tends to add endings such as "da-u".The live tongue is a little strange.
She has a very friendly personality and has become something of an idol among the servants of the Kurui family.
People inside…Tsukumo Zakro
race...Phantom beast
age…2 years old
body weight…300g
birthday…July 21
favorite…General sweets
Weakness…Having your stomach fluffed is painful.
Appearance...Pure white, fluffy fur. You can float a little bit in the air.
first person…Oila
personality...A child of Sephiroth, a high-class mythical beast called the omnipotent beast.